Thursday, April 19, 2007

No What

Congrats to Beurhle (?).....Absolutely awesome game! My last night in dallas and Chicago shows them how play ball.....and I remind them what good pitching does (2005 series)>

Recently, I am all over their Dallas asses about them Cowboys coming to chi-town. They act like they already won that game and that's pissed me off!

F-off Tony Romo and Owens....They are trying to tell they have the Bears number?!
This town can kis my ass!


Chris B. said...

I can't wait for Brown and/or Archueleta to light up Owens on a crossing route. That should be a good game.

Michael K said...

Drinky + Bloggy = Bad idea.

olddogdk said...

I can't wait for football.