Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I have been in dallas for almost three weeks. I now live in corporate housing and will be here for 5 more weeks or so. The powers that be have been begging me to stay for good, but that aint gonna happen. My roomate is a Iraqi Assyrian. He left the country years ago and works in Detroit at Ford Field. Really nice guy. He is familiar with the area I live in chicago. There is a large Assyrian population close there.

I think meathead mentioned that this town has no soul. He was mostly right. I have made friends with people that i work with-they bring me some damn good Texas BBQ everyday. The BBq down here is mostly from the cow. Brisket is the choice. Totally different than K.C and memphis who worship our friend the pig. Not as good as those two towns but better than anywher in the city save for the Horseshoe.
They are awesome people. They are gettting me rangers tickets. Otherwise, the people in these parts are really boring and they draw the life right out. There is no substance to anything.
Either they look like they shopped at The Alley for the first time or they are really that dumb.
I try to be nice, but man it's hard.

Anyway, baseball is here!


Meat Head said...

The Tex/Mex stuff ant bad either. And there was a real good sea food place in Lower Greenville. I will try and remember the name.

Maybe it's from living in Chicago but the big D just didn't have any personality. That is why I said the place has no soul. They do have some real cool roof tops though. Not enough to make up for lack of soul but me and the Warden would always comment on how cool it would be if more Chicago bars did it.

Michael K said...

re: "I try to be nice" No you don't. You're not bullshitting me.

I've seen some very odd BBQ recipes that are considered "Texas style" and they are all beef. It's a good change of pace but I like KC and St. Louis styles best.

Anyways, take care of yourself and find a bar where all the displaced New Orleans people hang out. They are way more fun.

santipissed said...

there is a large homeless community really close to where i am staying...i am close to deep ellum..oh, and i am really nice.
I never cared for the St. Louis bbq kinda a ripoff between KC and menphis. There is some real good brisket down these ways. i can't stop eating the stuff

santipissed said...

sean-where you at now?

Meat Head said...

I am in Cary North Carolina, basically a redneck version of Naperville. The Warden finally became a Doc and is doing a Residency at Duke.

I am missing the food but loving the weather. I wear shorts all year around. Plus my house has a kick ass back porch that backs up to 40 acres of forest. I sit on it with a bottle of bourbon, howling at the moon shooting squirrels with a paint ball gun.

Don’t know if your company handles the RBC center but if it does and you get a temporary duty there. I am real close and you always have a place to stay at my place.

Deep ellum is about the only reall good thing about Dallas. Decent music and roof top bars.

Meat Head said...

Oh and I am a tard and can't figure out how to put Meat Head as my damn name on your blog.

I swear why can't well just get on the same page!

steener said...

I guess this means we won't see you this weekend while we're in Chicago. Enjoy your yourself out there.

PS: You always have been nice to me!

santipissed said...

we have the bobcats stadium in charlotte.
Steener-i have not seen you in ages. i promise to make it out there when i get back..i do